Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CVS - My first experience with transferring prescriptions - SUCCESS!

My new health insurance doesn't start for a few weeks, so I had to buy a prescription with cash. The cash price at CVS was $29.99 with their Caremark discount plan. I had initially planned on filling the rx at Walmart because I was sure they would be cheaper, but then I remembered the $25 gift card for transferring prescriptions. So, after some planning, I filled the rx at Wags, then transferred the rx over to CVS. I used a Rite-Aid coupon and got my $25 CVS giftcard! So, my rx cost $5 instead of $30.

29.99 Rx 4.99
.99 Sharpie highlighters (3) .01 profit each
.39 clearance PB M&Ms (3)
.24 tax
34.37 subtotal
-1/1 Sharpie PDF Q (3)
Paid 31.37 OOP, Received $25 giftcard
Cost 6.37

I also found the Ready Fill coupon booklets back by the pharmacy. There are all kinds of great CVS coupons in there, including 2 $4/20!


  1. Is there a RiteAid near you? I have seen the printable RiteAid RX Qs. However, I figured it wouldn't fly Tucson, since we don't have any.

  2. No, there are no Rite-Aids in the state of Arizona at all. I was ready for them to tell me no, but the cashier didn't even blink. She just took the printed coupon. I guess its a competitor on a national level. Or maybe just a friendly cashier. :)


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